DJ Big Stew
Owner and Producer
DJ Big Stew started Beef Stew Radio and the Show Boat Classic Basketball Tournament in Harlem. The Show Boat Classic has ran for 19 years and is making its comeback for its 20th year, which has continued to help redirect youth's energy towards positive endeavors.He is also the the producer and director of the documentaries, Uncelebrated Pioneer and B-Boys Make Some Noise that cover Harlem's forgotten influence on dance or "b-boying" during the rise of hip hop. Other films he has created include Stirring Up Da Pot and East Side Story.
Co-Owner and Producer
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Nuclear Cowboy
Program Director
nuclearcowboy.comMulti-Award-Winning Author, voice actor, executive producer, screenplay writer, and photographer...Split by fission, plagued by fusion, living with creative demons...Brendan S Bigney (Nuclear Cowboy) was a Quest Giver in the Marine Corps where operations was his practiced art form. He never slept, rarely smiled, and mumbled with the muses. He spent much of his life as a chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense specialist. During this time, he consumed tear gas like butter on toast, and danced in radiation beneath the ever-burning sun where the grass refused to grow.He is the author of the award-winning books, War, What Comes After and Atomic Kiss.